Library Week has drawn to a close for this year, and today has been a spectacular ending for such a good week. Today, two activities took place and it was a suitable ending to the all-too-short Library Week.

Today, the book sales drew to a close. Even to the end, students still trickle in to purchase some books, right up to the last minute! Storybooks, reference books, comics and graphic novels alike were snatched up by student like there was no tomorrow (literally)! This proves to be a good response to the reading materials on sale and perhaps augur a better sale and a wider selection next year?
Also today, the triduum of film screenings ended with 'Madagascar II: Escape to Africa' receiving an encouraging response. Who doesn't want to watch this movie, may I ask? It was great fun, and made a good end to the film screenings in the Media Room.
With that, these reports on Library Week draws to a close, and I would like to end this blog post by expressing many thanks to the Librarians, students and people who were involved or supported our Library Week for their time and efforts to make this event a great success!
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