Sunday 1 April 2012

Love and Appreciate the School Resource Centre!

Library Week is coming up, so let’s take a quick review on the many events this amazing week got in store us!

On Monday and Tuesday, there is going to be a Scrabble competition, so students with a strong vocabulary should seize the opportunity to join this competition. Now’s the time to bring out those bombastic words and show them who’s the winner! Of course, don’t forget that the objective of the game is to get as much points as possible, so play strategically as you get busy forming long words. Most of all have fun! There will be two categories in the Scrabble competition, either English or Malay, so students may choose to participate in either language.

In addition to that, there is also going to be a picture quiz for first and second formers. Get ready to crack your heads for this one, because it is going to be a challenge! Winners will get special prizes, so try to answer to the best of your capabilities!

Furthermore, the Library will also be holding a book fair from Monday to Friday. All classes have been assigned their respective times to visit the library, so no need to fret about not having a chance to get a glimpse at the various assortments of books! Like what you see? Then pick it up! The books displayed during the book fair would be totally for sale, unlike the rest of the books in the Library. Students who would like more time to see the books can come during recess and also after school hours.

Besides just books, the Librarians will also be selling some badges. Cute, cool or even just plain wacky! Badges are all for the fun and individual expression, so why not check them out? Who knows, you might just find one, or more that you like. Besides that, cookies and soft drink would make a great treat for the entire week, so why not pop down at the Canteen to enjoys tthese goodies? 

Not forgetting all you film fanatics, there will be screenings of selected films at the Library every day after school, so hurry on and get your tickets! On Wednesday, it would be 'The Victim': on Thursday, 'Real Steel'; and on Friday, 'Madagascar II : Escape to Africa' 

Seems like there’s going to be many activities to anticipate for Library Week, so I hope everyone would have a good time!
By Lok Huey Ning.

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